Chemical relaxer
  • Q. How does a relaxer work?

    Relaxers are used to reduce the natural degree of curl within your hair structure. By breaking down the correct degree of curl the perfect result is achieved.

  • Could I do my own relaxer at home?

    As a professional salon we would not recommend you apply your own relaxer at home. Every head of hair requires a full consultation to determine its texture, elasticity, porosity and suitability.

    There are many straightening products available but each product is designed to work with the hair that is suitable to the product. Selecting the correct chemical for your hair should always be done by a qualified hair stylist.

  • My hair is very dry and is breaking. I have been doing my own relaxer for years and have had no problems until now. What could be the problem?

    If your hair is dry, this could be due to a change in atmospheric conditions, climate, health or poor relaxer application.

    The breakage would come with weak hair structure usually due to excessive styling or over processing when working with a chemical.

    The solution is to seek a professional advise. If the hair is over processed it will need reconstructive treatment. This will help to rebuild the hair structure. If this does not have any effect, then visit your GP to get some medical advice. Do not re-apply until the course is determined.

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